Determining Your Grass Type
Lawn Care, Grass Identification Chris Egan Lawn Care, Grass Identification Chris Egan

Determining Your Grass Type

Determining your existing grass type can be challenging, especially for beginners or those living in transition zones where both warm-season and cool-season grasses may coexist in different parts of the yard. To establish a successful lawn, it's crucial to consider the species best suited to the environmental conditions, intended use, and maintenance level of the specific location.

Grasses, like humans, tolerate various conditions and resist stresses differently. For example, in the Northeast, blends of Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall or fine fescues (such as creeping red, Chewings, and hard fescues) are commonly used for lawns and athletic fields due to their high cold tolerance. Conversely, creeping bentgrass is often used on high-maintenance playing fields, like golf course putting greens.

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